Quiz: Cardiology Series with Dr. Peter Modler – 20-900054

Quiz: Cardiology Series with Dr. Peter Modler – 20-900054


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Cardiology is simple and logical

1.Severe mitral valve insufficiency due to Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease causes:(Required)
2.Severe subaortic stenosis causes(Required)
3.Severe pulmonic stenosis causes:(Required)
4.Severe tricuspid regurgitation causes:(Required)
5.Compensatory mechanisms for severe mitral regurgitation are(Required)
6.Typical signs of decompensation of severe Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease are:(Required)
7.Typical clinical signs of decompensated severe tricuspid dysplasia are(Required)
8.A PDA with a large Left to Right shunting volume causes(Required)
9.Dogs with pericardial effusion causing cardiac tamponade(Required)
10.Mild left ventricular concentric hypertrophy due to subaortic stenosis can be best seen(Required)

Doppler, how to adjust and how to interpret

11.The PW Doppler can be used for(Required)
12.The CW-Doppler(Required)
13.Adjustments of PW-Doppler influencing the achieved information do not include(Required)
14.Adjustments of CW-Doppler influencing the achieved information do not include(Required)
15.The typical velocity of a mitral regurgitant jet in a patient that is not in CHF is(Required)
16.The typical velocity of a tricuspid regurgitant jet in a patient without pulmonary hypertension is(Required)
17.Which sentence applies to aortic regurgitations(Required)
18.Pulmonic regurgitant jets are typically accelerated in cases of(Required)
19.Comparing left aortic and pulmonary artery flow profiles, which statement is correct?(Required)
20.The gain should be set so that(Required)
21.The position of the baseline can be changed to(Required)

Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease – Getting the Right Data for the Right Decisions

22.Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease (DMVD) is(Required)
23.Stage B2 DMVD means that(Required)
24.Stage C DMVD includes(Required)
25.Hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation causes(Required)
26.Risk factors in dogs with DMVD for the development of CHF are(Required)
27.An inverse E/A-ratio on mitral inflow profiles (E wave smaller than A wave)(Required)
28.Left ventricular dimensions can be normalized by body weight using the(Required)
29. Mitral valve prolapse(Required)
30.Correct echocardiographic assessment of morphology, dimensions, and function in dogs with DMVD(Required)
31.Surgical treatment of DMVD(Required)

Congenital Heart Disease – Differentiating the Dangerous from the Harmless

32.Aortic stenosis in dogs causes a heart murmur with a point of maximum intensity over(Required)
33.Severe pulmonic stenosis causes(Required)
34.A large left to right shunting PDA in a dog causes(Required)
35.A pulmonic stenosis with a pressure gradient of 150 mmHg across the right ventricular outflow tract is(Required)
36.A ventricular septal defect in a dog without pulmonic stenosis or significant pulmonary hypertension usually causes(Required)
37.Severe aortic stenosis in dogs(Required)
38.A left-to-right shunting and hemodynamically significant PDA in a dog usually causes(Required)
39.Mild pulmonic stenosis can be identified(Required)
40.Mild aortic stenosis(Required)
41.An atrial septal defect as a single congenital heart defect usually causes(Required)

DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy) – What Ultrasound Can Tell Us

42.Which of these statements is correct(Required)
43.Which of the following breeds is predisposed to DCM?(Required)
44.DCM is characterized by(Required)
45.Possible causes of secondary DCM are(Required)
46.If 5 VPCs are identified on a routine echocardiogram in a Doberman Pinscher(Required)

Pulmonary Hypertension – How Not to Miss It

47.Pulmonary hypertension(Required)
48.Which statement is correct?(Required)
49.A useful tool to determine pulmonary hypertension in dogs is(Required)
50.Pulmonary arterial pressures can be estimated(Required)
51.Possible causes of pulmonary hypertension are(Required)
51.Possible causes of pulmonary hypertension are(Required)
52.2D-echocardiographic signs of severe pulmonary hypertension are:(Required)
53.Typical 2D-echocardiographic signs of severe pulmonary hypertension are:(Required)
54.A calculated systolic pulmonary arterial pressure of 120 mm Hg means(Required)
55.Increased left atrial pressures due to severe degenerative mitral valve disease(Required)
56.Typical Clinical signs of severe pulmonary hypertension can be(Required)

Help! I Can’t Get That View!

57.If the ventricle appears too short on a right parasternal 4-chamber view, the transducer usually needs a(Required)
58.If no right ventricle is seen on a right parasternal short-axis view at the level oft he papillary muscles, the transducer is usually positioned too close to the(Required)
59.If the heart appears tilted on a right parasternal 4-chamber view and the apex is too close to the top oft he image, the transducer has to be(Required)
60.In order, to obtain accurate M-Mode and 2D-measurements(Required)
61.When doing M-Mode measurements from a right parasternal 4-Chamber view, the M-Mode cursor hast o be positioned(Required)

Cats: a Different World – Feline Heart Disease

62.Systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve can be best identified using (Please check all that apply)(Required)
63.Feline patients with left-sided congestive heart failure (Please check all that apply)(Required)
64.Left-sided congestive heart failure in cats (Please check all that apply)(Required)
65.Which statement about pericardial effusion in cats is correct?(Required)
66.Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (Please check all that apply)(Required)

Cliff Notes on ECG

67.The p-wave in an ECG stands for(Required)
68.In a normal ECG, the QRS complex is?(Required)
69.AV-Block III means(Required)
70.Sinus tachycardia(Required)
71.Ventricular premature complexes are usually(Required)
72.Supraventricular premature complexes are usually(Required)
73.Atrial fibrillation(Required)
74.A sick sinus syndrome(Required)
75.One way to calculate the heart rate in an ECG recording is(Required)
76.In a normal canine ECG(Required)