Quiz: Is there a B2 + stage for MMVD? European Perspective 20-1123122

Quiz: Is there a B2 + stage for MMVD? European Perspective 20-1123122


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(Use the following profession codes for this board: Veterinarian=V; Veterinarian Technician=VT) SELECT FROM DROPDOWN!


1. Chest radiographs can unequivocally distinguish between the presence and the absence of left sided congestive heart failure(Required)
2. A sleeping/resting respiratory rate of <30/min rules out congestive heart failure in all breeds and sizes of dogs(Required)
3. Exercise intolerance is a reliable indicator for the presence of congestive heart failure in dogs(Required)
4. It has been clearly shown that low-dose diuretic treatment in dogs suffering from advanced degenerative mitral valve disease will shorten their life expectancy(Required)
5. The aim of medical treatment is to maintain quality of life, to prevent from suffering and – by all means – not to harm the patient(Required)