Quiz: Recurrent Diarrhea in the Cat 20-910243

(Use the following profession codes for this board: Veterinarian=V; Veterinarian Technician=VT) SELECT FROM DROPDOWN!
A 2 year-old oriental short haired cat is presented for recurrent diarrhea.  Previous tests have included fecal flotation and wet mount evaluation with no abnormal findings.  A dietary trial feeding a low residue diet has not made any apparent difference as the problem has reoccurred even when on this diet.  The cats is otherwise in good health.  You suspect that the problem is large bowel in origin because there is:(Required)
A 3 year old Persian X is presented with chronic diarrhea.  It is described as being small volume, frequently passed soft stool with mucus.  She is in good condition and has good energy.  Which etiologic agent should be considered to be the most likely cause?(Required)
Diarrhea can be caused by pathology located in which of the following locations relative to the intestinal tract?(Required)
Can IBD and small cell lymphoma may occur concurrently in a patient?(Required)
Probiotics most likely exert their beneficial effect by which mechanism:(Required)
The most important consideration in probiotic efficacy is:(Required)
Which of the following is NOT a cause for chronic diarrhea, weight loss with a voracious appetite in cats?(Required)
A 3 year-old cat has been seen several times with the complaint of diarrhea.  The problem has not affected his energy, appetite of weight; bowel movements occur 5-8 times a day and are small and mucoid in character. The most appropriate diagnostic test to perform is:(Required)
A 10 year old cat with chronic episodic small bowel diarrhea and intermittent vomiting is suspected of having IBD.  The client declines biopsy. Ultrasound reveals regional  thickening in the jejunum, with wall measurements of between 3-5 mm.  While the submucosal layer is thickest, architecture remains normal in layering.  Lymph nodes are not enlarged and there is no evidence of peritoneal effusion.  Endoscopic biopsies are obtained and show a marked increase in the numbers of plasma cells and small lymphocytes, villous atrophy and cryptal edema.  Appropriate therapy is:(Required)

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