Quiz: Sonographic Approach to Urology: 20-839796


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(Use the following profession codes for this board: Veterinarian=V; Veterinarian Technician=VT) SELECT FROM DROPDOWN!


How far past the CUJ can the pelvic urethra be imaged?(Required)
Resection of bladder pathology must take into consideration(Required)
What does it mean “keep it off the pipes”?(Required)
What causes trailing in the bladder?(Required)
What does NOT cause hematuria?(Required)
If stones are imaged in the bladder of a young animal, what other areas in the body should you get more refined views?(Required)
What is the most common neoplasia of the LOWER urinary tract?(Required)
In the case of recurrent UTI, what predisposing issues should be assessed?(Required)
What is a “Twinkle effect”?(Required)
Power Doppler can be used in the bladder to assess what?(Required)
Which feline statement is false:(Required)
Which traumatic catheterization statement is false:(Required)
Which ectopic ureter statement is false:(Required)
What are the sonographic presentations of congenital renal dysplasia?(Required)
How is a definitive diagnosis of renal dysplasia made?(Required)
What breeds are predisposed to polycystic kidney disease?(Required)
What is the goal of position 14 of the SDEP® protocol?(Required)
What can cause renal pelvic dilation?(Required)
Which of the following statements is false?(Required)
Which is NOT a factor in choice of treatment for ureteral obstruction?(Required)
Which of the following statements is false?(Required)
PLN, Lyme, Leptospirosis, and other infectious or immune disease can cause what?(Required)
What is a comet tail infarct?(Required)
Why do some types of renal neoplasia have the appearance of hypoechoic fluid?(Required)
Which of the following statements is false?(Required)
Which of the following statements is false?(Required)